Смотреть что такое "end·langr" в других словарях:
Baydukov Island — (Остров Байдуков; Ostrov Baydukov), formerly Langr Island or Bol shoy Langr Island, is a coastal island in the southern end of the Sea of Okhotsk. It is located SE of Chkalov Island, off Schastya Bay, facing the northwestern tip of Sakhalin.… … Wikipedia
long — long1 [lôŋ] adj. [ME < OE, akin to Ger lang < Gmc * lango > ON langr, Goth laggs: ? akin to L longus] 1. measuring much from end to end in space or from beginning to end in time; not short or brief 2. measured from end to end rather than … English World dictionary
Norman Toponymy — refers to all place names in Normandy. Some belong to the common heritage of the Langue d oïl extension zone in northern France and Belgium; this is called Pre Normanic. Others contains Old Norse and Old English male names and toponymic… … Wikipedia
Список праиндоевропейских корней — Для улучшения этой статьи желательно?: Найти и оформить в виде сносок ссылки на авторитетные источники, подтверждающие написанное … Википедия
long — {{11}}long (adj.) that extends considerably from end to end, O.E. lang long, from P.Gmc. *langgaz (Cf. O.Fris., O.S. lang, O.H.G., Ger. lang, O.N. langr, M.Du. lanc, Du. lang, Goth. laggs long ), perhaps from PIE *dlonghos (Cf. L. longus … Etymology dictionary
Drinking horn — The Roordahuizum drinking horn, made in the mid 16th century by silversmith Albert Jacobs Canter, kept in the Frisian Museum at Leeuwarden[1] A drinking horn is the horn of a bovid used as a drinking vessel. Drinking horns are known from… … Wikipedia